Growing Your Business Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive
January 30, 2020
As an entrepreneur, business growth is something you will obviously be very interested in.
You will be keen to grow your number of customers. You might have ideas for expanding your product or service line. And to keep up with demand after growing your business in such ways, you will want to expand your staff team.
By growing your business, you will be able to stay ahead of the competition. You will have the opportunity to make more money. And, on a personal level, you will feel a sense of achievement.
But here's the thing.You might assume business growth has to be expensive. When it comes to costs, you will probably have marketing expenses in mind, as well as the higher rent costs if you have to move into larger premises, and the expense of managing new staff members. You might then begin to wonder if business growth is really worth it, especially if your budget is low.
Thankfully, as our title suggests, growing your business doesn't have to be expensive.
You can market your business cheaply. You don't need to break the bank to acquire new customers. When it comes to traditional marketing methods, you can use those printing companies like Half Price Printing for your flyer, brochure, and business card needs. You can also offer your staff and customers incentives to promote your business using word-of-mouth marketing. And when it comes to digital marketing, you can use the power of social media and email to reach new and existing customers, and use those business listing sites that cover your location and business type. These are all affordable ways to market your business (and in some cases free), so don't assume you need a massive marketing budget to grow your business.
You could consider a joint venture partnership. After building up your business, you might want to consider a team-up with another business owner who is reaching the same client base as you are. By doing so, you will not only have one less competitor to worry about, but you will also have the opportunity to share the costs of running a business. So, you might be able to move into larger premises together if you both contribute to the rent, and you will have less need to hire new staff if you can amalgamate your team with that of your business partners.
You could consider remote working. If you need new business premises, then fine. However, if your business model can allow for remote working, then consider the option. You could then hire freelancers instead of taking on new full or part-time staff. Or you could give your existing staff the opportunity to work from home (and any new hires), and consequently negate the need for a larger office space and the subsequent costs that come with it.
Business growth doesn't have to be expensive, so consider the options we have given you.
However, our final piece of advice is this: Be patient! Don't throw your money away if it's not yet time to grow your business. You will only find yourself in a dire financial situation if you do. When your profits start to build, you will naturally have more scope to scale your business, so take your time, and when you know the time is right, do what is needed to expand your business.