Too Big For Your Boots? Well, Get Bigger Boots!

April 6, 2018

Too big for your boots? Well, what does that mean? Does it mean that you are somewhat too confident for how you deserve to be? Does it mean you’re overconfident in your competence? Does it mean that you consider yourself to be better than you are? Well, let’s fit that question. Why don’t you deserve to feel better than you are? After all, this is the only way to find and orient yourself towards the ideal you that you hope to be. As long as this is backed up by a willingness to improve and continually strive to be better, then why don’t you deserve to feel your best self?
This means that if you’re too big for your boots – you deserve to find bigger boots!
It does take a little effort and a little willingness to achieve this, but it is more than possible to do. Here’s how:
Consider Your Image
Image is everything. While substance is often sustaining, the thing that initially allows for people to notice you is image. You needn’t feel like you need to be perfect. Rather, you have to own your own image and accept who you are. A perfect person is much less attractive when they aren’t happy with themselves. Someone who isn’t completely gifted in the looks department can be nothing but absolutely magnetic and beautiful when they own who they are and are proud of themselves.
Could you import this into your wardrobe? This attitude should permeate everything you wear. This isn’t the same as being flashy. It’s simply the ability to optimize how you look through tailored clothing, finding your style, allowing your entire getup to be cohesive and work together for an aim. Hiring a personal stylist might be worthwhile if you’re not sure where to start, as can working out and simply buying fitting clothes. Imagine doesn’t only manifest itself from your wardrobe however. It could be a personal lease to help you drive the car you want and impress your business clients. It could be simply tailoring how you walk. At the very least it means standing up straight with your shoulder back.
When you take care of these little insights, you’ll find that confidence comes your way and you’ll feel better than ever. Also, the effort of doing this will hopefully humble you. Being confident is not about bringing others down, but raising yourself up and hopefully bringing people with you. Keep that in mind and you’ll deserve your excellent new image.
Risk Taking
Who is the guy in the movie that you respect most? We’re talking from action to romance to comedy to thrillers. Often, it’s the person who is willing to take risks that is the person who gains our admiration. These are the people who use their initiative to be better than they once were, to head into the unknown with nothing but their wit and their will to save them.
If you can connect to this idea, then you’ll likely become a much more dynamic person to be around. Think of how attracting a date can work. People often say yes to those who seem like brave souls, who are magnetic and confident. This means becoming comfortable with going off the beaten path a little.
Could you do this? It takes a little practice. Talking to people you might not necessarily do, taking on responsibility willfully and learning things about the world you might not know are all methods of becoming stronger in the face of the unknown. This is a very fun thing to do, because it gifts you wonder and interest once more. This is the true meaning of needing bigger boots. The world is the biggest boot to fill, and there’s no way you can ever explore its entire breadth. However, making that a lifelong goal is something to push towards with all your might, and can lend you some truly wonderful experiences. We’d recommend it wholeheartedly if you hope to be a better person, and to attract those worth attracting.
After all, to be interesting, you have to be interested.
In Summary
In summary, being too big for your boots is not something to be considered an insult. It simply means you deserve to push outward and to truly make a reality from what your subconscious mind is telling you. No matter where you’re from or however you choose to define yourself, you have the capability to become strong, deserving and reactively interesting. With these simple tips, you’ll be on the path to doing just that.

Mark Asquith

That British podcast guy, Mark is co-founder of, the world's only growth-oriented podcast host. A Harvard, TEDx, Podcast Movement and Podfest speaker (amongst many more!), he's a wildly approachable Brit and Star Wars/DC Comics geek.

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