Easy Office Tips For Success
October 26, 2018
If you have a new office space which you have just moved into this winter, you are likely still finding your feet and settling into the space properly. One great way to make sure that the office runs the best it can run is to make some changes to the organisation and also to make sure the building is safe and secure for your workers. Here are some of our easy office tips for success.
Use a fob system
First of all when you get a new office space you will want to make sure to change the locks and replace them with a secure system. You never know who has been here before you and they might still have keys, so get the locks changed and think about installing a fob system. A fob system allows only those who are authorised to enter the building.
Organise by colour
If your shelves and your storage cupboard seem to look like a bomb has gone off, you might want to think about the ways you can organise things better to make it easier for the whole office. A fun way to organise your shelving and brighten up the space would be to organise the projects and files by colour. You can have expenses in green, clients in blue, data in red…. and these can be all placed in colour order on the shelves for a lovely effect. It means that everyone can get to what they need easily by simply thinking of the colour folder they need off the shelf!
Get a scheduling service
If you have a relatively small business you might not have hired a receptionist at this time and this can mean you struggle keeping your day organised and making sure that you have a clear schedule. However you can hire a company or software to sort this for you and offer call scheduling, meeting scheduling and room scheduling to make sure you always know what is going on and what you need to do.
Have a kitchen rota
Having a communal kitchen space can be a nightmare, and when you are working with a large number of other people the idea of sharing a food space can be stressful. Not everyone cleans up after themselves and this can lead to one poor person cleaning the kitchen when it gets too disgusting to use. To avoid office conflict, it is fair to set a rota where a different person cleans the kitchen at the end of each day to keep the kitchen hygienic and to make things fair.
Create goals
Goals and incentives are a good way to encourage success in an office and if you want to employees to work harder you can offer things like commission for hitting goals and a team dinner if you manage to finish a project on time. Although it can seem a little juvenile to offer a carrot to your workers, it can really make a massive difference to your work environment and it can make life so much easier for you all.