Could You Do More To Expand Your Hobby And Turn It Into A Business?
June 14, 2019
Starting something from nothing can be very exciting. You get to the stage where you are working on it in your spare time, putting in the hours, and finding that it is more fun to do those things than it is to do the day job. You do get to a stage where you can turn that hobby into a business, but knowing the steps to take can be overwhelming.
You can maximise a hobby and potentially turn it into a business, and taking that plunge to leave a job and go at it full time can be scary. But the best advice would be to take actionable steps. With that in mind, here are some of the things that you could be doing that will help you expand your hobby and turn it into a fully fledged business.
Think about getting it registered
If you have a hobby that you have worked hard at and now feel there is huge potential to make it your full time job and business, then you need to think strategically and about the future. What is best for you right now? Isit to work on your own and be classed as freelance and self employed? Is it best to look at corporations and register it in a different way? Perhaps you may want to think about what your options are, and then look at the alternatives available. If you think there is a grounding for a business, then this could be a great way to ensure that you head down the right path from the start.
Create a business plan for it
Knowing the direction you want to take can help you to make things easier if you want to create a business plan and get things moving. A business plan gives you direction, it also helps to outline where you see the business empire in six or twelve months time and even looking as far into the future ad five or ten years to help you be able to stay on track. A business plan can also help you in terms of getting the hobby as a business off the ground. So if you do feel that you need some from of investment then a business plan can help you get it.
Take the plunge and leave the job
Of course, one of the biggest hurdles that you face is taking that plunge to leave your job and actually making this your full time position. That can be scary for a variety of reasons, you have to think about the security of a wage that you are leaving behind, and the basis of that versus something that won’t seem as consistent can be enough to give you all of the fear. Alongside that, we also need to think about paid holidays, support in the workplace, all of which we might lose as we start a new venture. However, there are some major benefits to leaving your job and pursuing this, which in the long term may prove lucrative.
Have a social media strategy
You may want to think about a social media strategy, and now that you are taking your hobby seriously this can be one of the best methods to help your business be seen. Social media can allow you to advertise your business, but also help to engage with your audience. A strategy will see you looking at sales focused posts mixed with things that are topical, designed to start a conversation and help your platform be a place that people are interested in. Rather than it feeling like a constant sales picture. The strategy can also work with things such as creating campaigns for marketing purposes.
A dedicated area to work
You may find that working for yourself requires you to be a little more productive as you take on the prospect of working from home. This can feel difficult at first, as you can be distracted by things such as chores or even the TV. The best advice would be to relax and find yourself a dedicated area to work. That way you can start to separate your home life from your working life.
Focus on the local community
The local community is one of the areas that may need to be a focus for you. With so many people wanting to support local and small businesses, this is where you could get your business more well known and generate some amazing sales opportunities. It could mean thinking about things such as advertising in local community magazines, or even things such as dedicated Facebook groups and pages. You could also get involved in community events, through sponsorship or seizing it as an opportunity to put up a shop and sell some products or services. There are some great areas to focus on locally, and it could be a big boost that you need to get things going.
Head to events and network
There will always be opportunities to get involved with like-minded people, and networking at events is a great way to do this. It enables you to stay ahead of trends, be informed of different things going on, and generally allow you to bounce off ideas and feel inspired. Some events are perfect to actually advertise your business, and having a stand or pop-up shop at one of them means that you are going to be seen by a captured audience, who are interested in the type of thing that you do.
Other ways to enhance the business idea?
Finally, it may be worth looking at the business idea that you have and seeing what ways you can capitalise on what was a hobby and make it more business worthy. Blogs are being turned into businesses these days, and this can be enhanced through merchandise, video and other advertising options. Your business, if not on a digital nature like a blog, could be expanded through the way you advertise, and even the products and services that you supply.
Let’s hope this has given you some ideas on how you can expand on your hobby and turn it into a business.