Anyone Can Start Up A Business, You Know?

August 7, 2019

For many, no, most, the idea of creating a business and turning it into a successful operation that yields a huge sum of money is merely a fantasy. ‘I couldn’t do anything like that,’ ‘I don’t have the wherewithal to start up a business,’ and ‘you’ve either got it or you haven’t’ tend to be said. It’s a defeatist attitude, but it’s something a lot of people seem to be comfortable settling in. 

When we collectively look up to the rich and famous as a group of super-beings, then that line of negative thinking will probably happen, though. After all, how are we meant to compete with people that are naturally way better than us?

The truth, however, that anyone can do it. Anyone. You too. You just have to give it a go, really. If you’re not exactly convinced of this, then read on. We’ll go into a little more detail, and hopefully, you’ll be a little more persuaded of the opportunity that lies in front of you.

Realise That It’s Not Rocket Science

While creating a business takes some time and some work, it’s not exactly the most difficult code to crack. There are people that you knew growing up that weren’t the brightest bulbs, right? Lots of them turn out to be successful, you know? It doesn’t take all of the brains in the world to do this stuff. Commitment and passion towards a project that you really value can more than replace a high IQ.

Recognise Who Those At The Top Are

The celebrities you see on the TV, on social media, and in magazines are not demigods. They are ordinary, regular people – just like you. They’re exactly the same as the random people you walk past without batting an eyelid every single day. A big part of being mentally ready for this kind of thing is recognising just how boring and normal the top people are. You can be one of those; it just takes a little self-belief and perspective!

Know That You Have All Of The Tools In Front Of You  

Yep. Everything you need (to begin with, anyway) is in your possession right now. Well, they might not literally be in your hands at this precise moment, but you get the idea. Your mind can conjure up crazy things if you allow it to. Can you pop to the shops and get a pen and paper? Good! Write stuff. Write down ideas.

Do you have a phone or laptop with an internet connection? Well, get researching then. This stuff isn’t difficult, as we said before. Buying and renting stuff is easier than ever now, thanks to the tech and the info we have at our disposal. If you wanted to start a little manual business up quickly, you can head online, look up the Best Vauxhall Van Offers, and head out on your way. It’s just a case of utilizing what’s already in front of you.   

Embrace The Idea Of Failure And Enjoy Mistakes!

The fear of failure holds back to many people. The reality is that we’ve all failed. Those who loved to fail often come out on top of things. Sure, a huge problem that is detrimental to everything around you should probably be avoided, but small losses are so be enjoyed: they’re a sign of progress. Society likes laughing at failure for some reason. It’s not a great attitude to have collectively. Be different – be the best in the world at failing and progressing. That’s how giant leaps are made.

Mark Asquith

That British podcast guy, Mark is co-founder of, the world's only growth-oriented podcast host. A Harvard, TEDx, Podcast Movement and Podfest speaker (amongst many more!), he's a wildly approachable Brit and Star Wars/DC Comics geek.

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