5 Quick Tricks To Come Up With Your Next Great Business Idea
July 24, 2018
Do you consider yourself a bit of an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs are known for having multiple business ventures and plenty of ideas. But what happens if your ideas seem to be drying up – or you just can’t seem to come up with the next great idea that’s actually worth pursuing?
The 8 quick tricks outlined here will help you to come up with your next great business idea. Enjoy!
- Write Out A List Of Problems You Face
- Going to bed too late
- Making excuses for going to the gym
- Spending too much time on your phone
- Procrastination
People will likely have the same problems as you. Speak to people you’re close to and see if they can shed some light on some of their problems for you, too. You can then brainstorm and see what solutions you come up with for the problems on your list. It’s best if you’re passionate about a problem, so pick something you have an interest in at least.
- Stalk Problems At Length
When you’ve got a list of problems that you feel you wanna solve, it’s time to go full stalker mode and see what you can accomplish by doing plenty of research. What solutions are already out there? What could you do better than everything that’s already out there?
- Think Big But Start Small
Thinking big is great, but you can’t expect to run before you can walk. Think big but start small should be a rule you stick to. Baby steps are the key to accomplishing absolutely anything you wish to accomplish.
- Go Into Depth With Your Research
If you think you’ve landed on a great idea, go into depth with your research and see what you’ll need to do to get started. If your idea is in the automotive sector, you might need to learn all about http://www.flowmeters.com/ and how they will assist you on your way to success. Create a rough plan with what you find and you should be able to figure out whether this is the idea you need to follow.
- Test The Waters
It can be a good idea to test out your business idea – but how? Market research! Market research is crucial, as it allows you to get a feel for what’s actually a good idea and what’s an idea you simply feel passionate about. Ask people you know, people in the street, people online – anybody for insight that can help you to figure out if this is a viable business idea that people will be interested in or not.
Coming up with your next great business idea doesn’t have to be a chore. Look at life as an experiment and see what you can come up with as you go about your day. Carry a notebook with you or simply jot down your ideas in an app/your notes on your phone. Don’t dismiss any, as you may be able to look at a long list of ideas later on and find one great one.
Good luck!