Expanding Your Skillset to Maximise Your Career
May 11, 2021
Over the course of the past couple of years, the coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has seen more and more people looking to change their career paths. This had largely been due to government implemented rules and guidelines that have been put in place to slow and minimise the spread of the virus. Of course, this path of action has been essential in order to save lives and protect people’s health and wellbeing. It has also supported the general healthcare system, reducing chances of excessive demand and pressure. However, in regards to work, it has also meant that many businesses across various industries have been left unable to operate. As you can imagine, this has resulted in mass unemployment, a huge increase in redundancies and staff finding themselves shorter working hours or for lower salaries. If you’ve found yourself in any of these situations, you may be wondering what you can do to maximise your chances of bagging a new job and advancing your career in spite of the pandemic. A key step is expanding your skillset. Here are some suggestions that can help you along the way.
Consider Qualifications
If you’re entering a new field, you may find that you could do with new qualifications that will not only show that you have the necessary knowledge to enter the field, but also shows a dedication to working in this new field. There are all sorts of qualifications out there that can help to advance your career path, ranging from full blown degrees or masters degrees to shorter training courses at a workplace training centre. You may even find short, free courses in more specific skill sets, such as a completed course in Google Analytics or Advanced Excel. Take a look at what can look good on your CV and give you the tools to succeed. Then determine whether it seems like the right decision for you financially, in regards to time and other factors.
Consider Social Skills
Of course, qualifications and the practical skills that they give you can really help you to get your foot into the door of your chosen career. But all too many people forget the importance of social skills when it comes to work. At the end of the day, when you’re interviewing for a job, you need to come across as a likeable person in order to be seriously considered. Employers will take whether they believe you will get on with the rest of the existing team into consideration. They will also consider how you might get on with business partners, clients, customers and others. So, you may want to look into social skills that are valued in the field that you are considering. Then you can work on them.
These are just two areas of focus that you should take into account when looking to expand your skill set to land the job you’re interested in and advance your career. Hopefully, some of the information will come in useful for you and make all the difference to your career journey!