First Impressions Count: Ensure Your Startup Makes A Positive One
January 22, 2019
As an entrepreneur and owner of any sized business, you’ll already understand how fierce the competition is. However, you’ll have done our research, and ensured that there’s a place for you and what you have to offer. As a fresh startup, now is the time to hit the ground running, and make an impact where it counts. First impressions are often the only ones you get to make, especially regarding business and potential customers and clients. Therefore, it’s time to think about how you can present yourself positively so that your target audience see that you’re there, and are impressed by what they see.
It’s time to gather your thoughts, and if your have a team, it’s all hands on deck as you decide on what will work best for your business, and begin making the moves needed to succeed. The following are some ideas, inspiration and advice for entrepreneurs who want to boost their first impression as they hit the market with full force.
Your Branding Speaks Volumes
It’s no secret that branding s a crucial part of business, and it’s what can set you apart from your competitors and ensure that your target market recognise you, wherever you may pop-up. Therefore, invest in your branding design and identity as early as you can. Whether you outsource the work, or work alongside an expert team; keep in mind that your branding needs to be as effective on any promotions you create, as it is in an online environment, or in print.
The colour palette, silhouettes, and any wording, should be simple, conscice, and impactful. Busy and over-cluttered logos with long taglines, are easily forgotten, so keep stripping things back and starting again if something’s not right. Think about the major brands who simply use their symbol now, like Apple, Nike, and Twitter; you’ll spot them and know exactly what it ecompases. No-one expects you to be at that level just yet, but keeping things straightforward and recognisable, is the perfect place to start.
Your Voice Needs To Be Welcome
The whole reason many will but into your business products or services is down to your style, identity, and your voice. This doesn’t literally mean your phone voice; this relate to what you say across your marketing, website, and social platforms, along with the tone you use to connect with your crowd. Nobody wants to feel confused, patronised, or belittled, so make sure that you’re speaking to your current and potential customers, so that your response will be positive.
Humour can serve a great purpose, but make sure that if you intend to use it; it has a place in what you do. Light-hearted brands, services, and products can often benefit from a friendly feeling, peppered with thoughtful humour here and there. However, don’t undermine a business that revolves around a serious subject or situation with unwarranted jokes and an over-familiar approach. It’s crucial to gauge the reaction of your target audience, before you’ve even said anything, so do a little market research, test the waters with care, and make the best first impression possible.