How Any Entrepreneur Can Keep Themselves In Check

February 3, 2020

It’s important that once in a while we pay heed to just why an entrepreneur may operate, not only how, when and what they’ll do in order to make their dreams become a reality. After all, an entrepreneur is not solely a corporate entity searching for an opportunity, they are a person striving for their best success and hoping to make something of themselves. That’s to be lauded, but if their journey corrodes the person underneath, or they bite off a little more than they can chew, that may be a problem.

This means any entrepreneur can benefit from carefully composing themselves and checking on how they’re doing once in a while. We’re not here to begin a protracted discussion about mental health, of course, although those discussions are very important to have. However, there are some tasks that can be undertaken by any entrepreneur to keep them on pace, on time and motivated. This can help them avoid burnout, confusion and even personal chaos when it all becomes too much to keep track of at one time.

Please consider:

Refine & Streamline Your Schedule

Your schedule is important, because it can keep you focused on the tasks and dates you need to remember. Half of the battle is just showing up, after all. However, it’s important to ensure you note these things down well, that you streamline appropriately, and that you use free calendar templates for quick and easy access to your organizational structure. This can certainly save you plenty of time over the years, and may even give you the chance to stay motivated and proactive.

Take Stock Of Your Aids & Distractions

Take stock of the aids and distractions that you have to deal with week to week. For instance, an aid could be considered hiring a digital secretary to help you keep your affairs in order. A distraction may be habits that are keeping you from applying your role in a functional context, such as obsessing over how smart you look in your suit, just how firm your handshake is, or anything that distracts you from the substance of the matter. It’s easy  to tell when you’re allowing distractions to set in, so be sure to watch out for and then learn from them. A good sign is that said distraction is preventing you from applying your best skillset.

Value Your Time Appropriately

Be sure to value your time. Entrepreneurs can often fall into the trap of feeling they need to be all things to all people. That’s not so. It can be worthwhile to turn down an investor who is playing hardball simply because satiating each one of their demands will stifle your possibility and may take much too much time to prepare yourself for. Holding the value of your initiative close to your heart can stop others from taking advantage of it, and also prevent you from devaluing yourself.

With this advice, we hope every entrepreneur can keep themselves in check from time to time.

Mark Asquith

That British podcast guy, Mark is co-founder of, the world's only growth-oriented podcast host. A Harvard, TEDx, Podcast Movement and Podfest speaker (amongst many more!), he's a wildly approachable Brit and Star Wars/DC Comics geek.

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