Is Your New Office Space Up To Scratch?
July 24, 2018
There are few moments in the early life of a business more exciting than the moment that you move into a new office space. Perhaps your business has grown significantly and you need more space, or perhaps you simply need somewhere productive and focussed in order to get the most out of it. Either way, it's a big step and one that is often a sign of bigger and better things to come in the future. However, it does also come with some challenges that you have to be prepared for. With that in mind, here are a few things that you should never forget when moving your business to a new office.
If you were previously running your business out of your spare room, then security might not have been that much of a concern outside of the typical security that residential property. However, once you're in a dedicated office space, then you need to have security measures in place to keep it safe from any intruders. From things like video Surveillance to protect the premises itself to digital security like anti-malware and firewall software to keep your computer system safe. Security is one of those things that gets forgotten about all too often because it's not something that you need to think about that often. However, the last thing you want is only to realise how much you need proper security measures when it's too late.
If you're moving yourself and your employees into an office, then you need to think about the amount of space that you all need. If everyone is totally cramped then not only is it going to be an uncomfortable and unproductive working environment but it also creates a serious risk of accidents. Make sure that there is plenty of room for people to move around and that any important walkways are always clear of any mess and debris. Of course, if your office isn’t quite fit for purpose then you might be better off working with a company like www.gnet.ie to help design and construct the best and safest possible office environment for you and your employees. Health and safety aren't fun or glamorous, but that doesn't mean that it isn't incredibly important.
The world we live in is one where everyone strives for equality on a daily basis, and you need to do the same. You need to make sure that your office is as accessible to all types of people as possible. This means having lifts for access to higher floors, accessible parking spaces, and ramps for wheelchair access. Like it or not, if you don't provide those things, then you're sending a very clear message that your business doesn't care about people who might be suffering from certain disabilities, and that's the last thing you want.
Of course, even if you do think carefully about these things, there's still going to be some kind of adjustment period. The reality is that it's never easy going through any kind of transition and teething problems are to be expected. But if you prepare as carefully as possible and you work to predict any issues, then you're going to be in a much better position to face them head on and deal with them as they come.