Save Your Business Money Without Ruining It

June 21, 2018

Running a business is never free. You have to carefully balance your costs, and sometimes it's essential to consider how you can make some quick cuts to your expenses. However, if you need to cut costs, you might be worried about the effect that's going to have on your company. It's hard to reduce expenses without making any changes to the way that you run your business. Fortunately, tightening your budget doesn't have to mean ruining your business. You can reduce your expenses and still keep things running. In fact, you can still deliver the same product or service when you make your changes.
Find Smarter Ways of Marketing
Marketing can often be one of your biggest costs. However, you don't want to spend so much on marketing that it's almost not worth running your business. If most of your money goes on marketing, you could be spending way too much on securing each customer or client. Instead of spending more on marketing, you need to find the most effective methods. The best way to do this is often to experiment with different things to find out what works best for your brand. Outsourcing your marketing can make this easier because you can control costs by paying for a certain number of hours of work or choosing a plan that works for you.
Keep a Close Eye on Creeping Costs
You might be surprised by how some costs might increase without you really noticing. Or you might know that something now costs more than it did before but don't realize the impact it has. Many things can become more expensive, either because the price is raised or because your demand for certain supplies and services is higher. To help prevent costs creeping higher, you should regularly review your expenses. This makes it easier to spot where things might have become more expensive and to find a solution. You can't cut costs effectively if you don't know how much you're spending.
Shop Around for New Vendors
If you want to avoid wasting money, you have to remember that staying loyal to certain vendors is likely not going to be helpful. If you're determined to stay with a particular vendor, you might be powerless if they put up their prices. Changing vendors doesn't have to have a huge effect on your company. You can find a more affordable service and still keep your business running as it should be. It might take some time to find a new vendor that you're happy with, but it's worth it if you can save some money.
Get Help As and When You Need It
Speaking of vendors, outsourcing various services is always an excellent way to save money. While there are some services you will want to have on an ongoing basis, there are others that are likely to be more ad-hoc. You only need some things occasionally, but you also want to know that they're there when you need them. When you use emergency IT support, you know that you can call on the service when you need it. But you don't need to pay for any services that you don't need. So you won't be wasting any money on anything you're not using.
Switch to Subscription-based Products and Services
Another way to save on the services you use, as well as various products, is to switch to using subscription-based products and services. These have grown in popularity and many businesses now operate on a subscription model. Some established brands have even moved to being subscription only. For example, Adobe's creative applications are now only available by subscription. Subscriptions can help you save money by giving you more control over how much you spend. You can choose a plan that works for you and spend less or more depending on what you need and how much you can afford.
Cut Down on Mistakes
If you want to spend less money and improve your business at the same time, cutting down on mistakes is the perfect way to do it. Getting things wrong can be costly, and correcting your mistakes can cost you even more. Of course, making the effort to prevent mistakes can cost money in itself. However, once you put the correct processes in place, it can save you a lot. Correcting and preventing mistakes may not even require a lot of effort. There are plenty of ways you can reduce the number of mistakes made, from automating processes to providing more training for your staff
Barter and Share Resources
Being connected to a strong business community and others in your industry can offer a host of benefits. If you know the right people, you can save money by sharing skills, knowledge, products and resources with each other. If you have something useful to offer, you can use it to barter for something that you want. Maybe you can offer a few hours of marketing skills to a startup that you share a startup space with, while they help you out with admin. Or you might agree to share the costs for a resource that you both need. Focus on creating relationships with others that benefit you both.
Reduce Utility and Overhead Spend
Saving money in your business premises is a great way to cut expenses without having any effect on the way your business operates. For example, saving on your energy bills is unlikely to have a huge impact on your products or services. You can do plenty of things to lessen your expenses, from installing a smart thermostat to using energy-saving light bulbs. Some cost-saving measures might require your employees to get on board and change their behaviours. However, it doesn't take much to get people to contribute to new cost-saving measures. You can offer them incentives to encourage them to do the right thing. As a bonus, you can make your business greener too.
Save with Used Equipment
Your business equipment, including furniture, can be a significant cost too. One of the most sensible ways to save on this expense is to look for used items. You can often save a significant amount without much effort. As soon as anything has had one owner, it's worth a lot less. So even products that are lightly used or like new could save you a huge amount of money.
Improve Productivity
A more productive workforce can save you a lot of money. Time is money and any time that you waste could be wasting your money too. If you can improve productivity for your company, you could not only save money but start making more too. If you want to make everyone more productive, you need to discourage procrastination and give people a reason to work harder. Getting your employees to care about their company and their work is one of the most important steps. You need to build the right company culture and offer incentives so everyone wants to do their part.
Avoid Buying in Bulk Unless Necessary
It's important to recognize the expenses you're wasting money on without realizing it. One of the things you could be doing is buying in bulk and thinking that it's saving you money. However, this could actually be costing you more than necessary. If you find that you have supplies or stock sitting around for longer than necessary, you can probably save by cutting back on the quantities you're buying in.
Saving money for your business doesn't have to impact it negatively. You can have nothing but a positive effect if you get it right.

Mark Asquith

That British podcast guy, Mark is co-founder of, the world's only growth-oriented podcast host. A Harvard, TEDx, Podcast Movement and Podfest speaker (amongst many more!), he's a wildly approachable Brit and Star Wars/DC Comics geek.

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