Is Your Startup Managing Its Money In The Right Way?

July 17, 2018

Chances are, the reason you want to get into business and establish your own company is to make money. Of course, there will be other reasons that motivate you- getting out of the rat race and being able to get some enjoyment and fulfilment from your work for example. But when it comes down to it, businesses are about making money and so it’s an important thing to get right. When you’re first starting out it can be particularly difficult, when you’re yet to turn a profit you don’t have the funds to be able to spend freely- however a significant amount of money needs to be spent just to get things set up. If you get your finances wrong at the start, you risk getting to far into the red and never being able to pull your business back. The last thing you want is to fail before you’ve even got properly started. Here are some ideas for managing your money in the right way.
Attract Investors
Do you have a great idea for a business, but just don’t have the funds you need to get started? If so, how about looking for an investor? Providing you’ve done your research and you do genuinely have a fantastic, unique business idea you could well score some financial help in return for the investor owning a share in your company. Practice your pitch until it’s absolutely perfect, have all of your facts, figures and projections at the ready and ensure they’re memorised. Be prepared to be grilled by investors, when they’re putting so much money into a venture they will want to know everything in detail.
Larger companies often utilise outsourcing, but it’s something that you can take advantage of in your new and smaller venture too. Instead of hiring workers (or more workers) you can assign the workload to an expert, third party company. Perhaps you want a finance company to deal with things like payroll, accounting and financial modeling. Maybe you want to outsource your marketing, where a marketing company will deal with things like promotion, advertisement and blogger outreach. If you sell physical products, you could outsource your fulfilment and have products warehouse, picked, packed and shipped by another company. While there will be costs for this, you can actually save yourself money overall. You don’t have to pay to advertise for jobs, interview candidates, run background checks, train or pay them. You also know the work is being done to the best standard without you having to oversee things.
Expect The Unexpected
You might be incredibly well prepared in your business, but there’s always the risk of something going wrong. A crucial piece of equipment your business needs could fail, you could be burgled or your business could be destroyed in a natural disaster. Having some backup funds and the right insurances will allow you to get back on your feet without losing everything if the worst were to happen.

Mark Asquith

That British podcast guy, Mark is co-founder of, the world's only growth-oriented podcast host. A Harvard, TEDx, Podcast Movement and Podfest speaker (amongst many more!), he's a wildly approachable Brit and Star Wars/DC Comics geek.

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