What It Means To Secure Your Business Nowadays
June 18, 2021
There are very few businesses of any decent size out there that don’t have some manner of assets that require protection. You want to make sure that you’re as comprehensive as possible, so what kinds of threats are lurking out there and what can you do to make sure that you’re keeping your business protected from them?
The brick and mortar approach
Given the more sophisticated threats out there, the idea of someone breaking into your store and stealing what they can might seem a little quaint, but it is every bit as much of a threat now as it ever was. Securing your business property is the key here. It can be done in a variety of ways, such as securing the entrances, using things like external lights to make any potential crime more visible and thus deterring criminals, or using technological tools like CCTV and security alarms.
It’s coming from inside the business
It’s an unfortunate reality but it is, indeed, a reality that your employees can just as often be the source of crime. Loss, another word for theft, is the biggest risk here and can be a big drain on your finances. There is a lot you can do to prevent it, aside from installing the aforementioned CCTV in places like the stock room. For instance, you can invest in background checks to make sure you don’t hire the highest risk employees, as well as using systems that only allow a select few individuals to access areas like the store room or sensitive data.
The digital devils
Many businesses are relying more and more on information technology. The data stored on this technology can do untold financial and reputational damage should it fall into the wrong hands. As such, there are many things you can to strengthen your IT security. Basic training for anyone using IT in the business can stop them from falling for the scams that often lead to lost passwords. You can beef up your IT team with training, like a masters in cyber security online. Installing high quality security solutions such as firewalls and anti-malware software is crucial, too.
Protecting your reputation
We mentioned reputational damage, but it is something that needs to be taken more seriously. Ex-employees with an axe to grind, competitors with some dodgy techniques, and others with an aim to take down your business can work their way by leaving false reviews and negative press about your business. Reputation management tools can help you correct the record and work to improve how others see your business after you have been attacked by such tactics. Otherwise, you can let others control the story and brand of your business, making it much harder to win customers.
There is all manner of threats, some tangible, some digital, and some a little more abstract. You don’t need to get paranoid about what kind of bogeymen might be coming for your business next, but you should at least be aware of what you can do to prevent them.