Contributor Posts

5 Reasons To Hire A Virtual Receptionist For Your Business

20th September 2019

If you’re thinking of hiring a virtual receptionist for your business but you’re unsure whether or not it is the right decision for you then don’t worry, you have come to the right place. Whilst you may feel as though you’re able to run your business without a receptionist, the benefits they can bring are…

What Your Packaging Says About Your Firm

20th September 2019

Most firms have a marketing budget should they hope to retain and draw more customers and clients. It’s a simple and clearly understandable motivation. However, what firms often fail to realize is that marketing is not solely what you have asked the infographic company to design for you, how smart your television advertising was or…

Three Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make

20th September 2019

Marketing is either something you’re fully on board with and understand to be a powerful tool or it’s something of a total mystery. Whichever camp you fall into, you know that a decent marketing strategy is something that can take your business onwards and upwards to new levels. So why are so many companies still…

Less Used Marketing Methods Not to Overlook

20th September 2019

With the rise of the internet and modern technology, the way we promote businesses has changed dramatically. Social media, video marketing and content marketing are all heavily utilised where we all spend so much time on our devices, and much of our shopping is now done online. While online marketing methods are vital for just…

Creating A Healthy Office Environment: Tips For Business Owners

18th September 2019

Your employees will spend up to eight hours per day in your office environment. Ensuring that this environment is as healthy and beneficial to well-being as possible is therefore inherently beneficial both to individual members of staff, and to your company as a whole. Here are four tips that can help you to ensure that…

How To Give Any Business That Professional And Commanding Aura It Sorely Needs

16th September 2019

When you’re trying to run a business that has all the potential in the world to be great, you’re constantly looking for ways to improve every single aspect. If you sit still, then the chances are that the only direction you’ll go is backward. You have to keep on evolving and improving in this game. …

Export Distributor Relationship: Underpricing And Market Risk

13th September 2019

Small businesses must forever remain ambitious and full of energy to expand without fear. This is what makes entrepreneurs the cold blooded giant killers they are today. Large multinational corporations are always looking to avoid a full on fight with such professionals. This is of course why they just buy up newly created apps and…

Here's Why Your Brand Matters

12th September 2019

One mistake that many entrepreneurs make is not recognising the importance of their brand. You may not feel that your company is big enough to be a brand. The truth is that brands are everywhere: you are your brand; your business is a brand.  Whether you create a brand consciously, or not, your business is…

Business Start Up Tech Ideas

12th September 2019

Starting a business can be a daunting task, but when you have a passion for your idea, and you want to share that with the world, you can end up running before you can walk. Many people are unable to see past a simple email when it comes to technology. However, in 2019, you will…

3 Key Factors For Your Startup Business

12th September 2019

You have had the idea, you have the skills to make it happen and you are passionate about doing so. If this is you and your startup business, then you can be reassured that you are already most of the way there. The drive and determination that you have will see you go a long…