Contributor Posts

3 Positive Changes To Make For You Today

26th July 2019

When was the last time that you took the time to make some changes in your life? We rarely spend enough time on ourselves and we can get stuck in a rut. Which is why today we are giving you a few starting points as we share 3 positive changes to make for you today. …

Employee Producitivity Can Go Up With These Seven Solutions

26th July 2019

Employee productivity is reportedly on the decline for 2019, which should be a concern for your business. If you hadn't yet realized, productivity has a direct impact on your profits, and if you are a manager and are currently looking for ways to improve the way that your staff performs, we've got seven solutions to…

8 Steps To Renting An Office This Year

25th July 2019

Launching your own successful business is something which will always be a challenge, and it is also something which you need to prepare many things for. Running a successful empire requires a lot of foresight and planning, and when it comes down to it, you will have a lot of plates to spin effortlessly for…

The Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Launching A Business

24th July 2019

Starting a business isn’t easy – there’s so much to do that it can be easy to overlook things and make mistakes. To help your business get off to a flying start, here are a few of the biggest mistakes you should avoid. Not budgeting effectively One of the biggest challenges of starting a business…

Making Your Business More Eco Friendly

24th July 2019

We know how important it is to reduce our carbon footprint, to help the earth and save the environment, undoing some of the damage humankind has afflicted in the past few generations. Although some believe it is the government or big corporate businesses responsibility to do something about it, it's up to everyone to lessen…

Researching For Effective Customer Personas

24th July 2019

An important part of UX design is creating personas. Personas are fictional characters that we generate in order to represent various types of users that may use your product, website, or brand in a similar way. This gives the designer the ability to focus on a memorable and manageable set of characters. This is extremely…

SEO For Podcasts

24th July 2019

If you’re a podcaster, SEO is probably not at the forefront of your mind. When you’re focussed on getting the sound quality right, editing each episode and plotting future episodes, getting your podcast into the ears of more people can slip your mind. As well as more obvious marketing methods to reach more listeners, like…

Three Important Steps To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

22nd July 2019

There are millions of start-up businesses popping up every day within the United States and they make up a huge percentage of small businesses in general. The most popular reasons to start a business are having a great and unique idea, creating career flexibility for yourself and not to mention having financial independence. But unfortunately…

Business Success Requires The Right Mindset

22nd July 2019

To succeed in business, you need to get your head in the game. If you let your limited self-beliefs get the better of you, or if you let the fear of failure take over your thoughts, then you might struggle to find the success (and riches) that you have probably been dreaming of since Day…

Mentor Yourself For Better Business

22nd July 2019

How comfortable are you talking about your business? When people ask you how it’s going, do you feel wracked with anxiety as you think about all the things that are going wrong or could go wrong or are you confident that everything is flowing as it should? At every step of the way there will…