Contributor Posts

4 Essential Rules For Creating a Free Business Website

8th February 2019

Many people come up with a good idea for a modest business, but are then soon put off by the many costs that are attached to the project. They only wanted to set up a small company, and they’ve been priced out of it before they’ve even begun! However, one thing that you won’t always…

Are You Prioritizing Your Business Needs Over Your Health Needs?

7th February 2019

Here's a shout out to any business owner running themselves physically and mentally into the ground. STOP IT!!! Yes, your business is important to you, and yes, you want it to become a success, but you should NEVER prioritize your business over your health. Seriously, if you become too ill to work, then your business…

Fortune Favours The Brave: Aim High In Your Career Choices

7th February 2019

All too often, people get stuck in a rut regarding their career and job role. It can be easy to coast through your career; however, many people wake up and realise how unhappy, or under-utilised they are in their workplace. Therefore, isn’t it time for a bit of a boost? Career satisfaction and fulfilment isn’t…

Shop Until You Pop: How To Market A Pop-Up Shop

7th February 2019

A pop-up shop is becoming a very popular method of doing business in the 21st-century. For companies that don’t have a permanent residence, it allows them the flexibility to appear out of the blue for a couple of days and maximise profits. By doing it randomly over a few months, the novelty doesn’t disappear and…

The Practical Elements Every Business Should Cover Off

6th February 2019

When you first start to think about setting up a business, you know that there’s going to be a lot to cover off. And that’s fine. Because you’re excited to get started, and for everything to get underway. The long hours and late nights are not an issue, because you love what you do and…

Don’t Put The Nail In Your Online Coffin

5th February 2019

It’s practically impossible to try and run a modern business without the help of the internet. Companies around the world have all joined together in their use of this tool, working to create a place where customers can easily find whatever they’re looking for. Of course, though, when there are so many competitors out there,…

Get The Boost That Your Company Needs Today

5th February 2019

When you own a business, it is your job to ensure that it has everything it needs to survive on the market. If it doesn't get what it needs from you, then it is likely going to fail and become something that you regret. That is why you need to make sure that you have…

Easy Ways to Move your Business without Losing out on Productivity

5th February 2019

Your business is your investment. If you do not work hard to protect it then you may find that you lose out on both time and money, and this can be devastating to your company. Moving offices can pose as a huge risk as well because you are essentially uprooting everything that you have worked…

All The Things That You Need To Make Your Business Successful

4th February 2019

Owning your own business is something that not many people understand. In fact, you are joining a rather small group of people, even though you might not realize it. It is one of the most difficult tasks that you are going to face, and one that many people struggle to keep up with. To be…

Knowledge = Not Always Power! Why You Don’t Need To Know Every Inch Of Your Business To Lead It Effectively

1st February 2019

We can argue until we're blue in the face as to what makes a business function at its most effective. You could argue that it's to do with the product, the employees, or it all comes from you. If you believe yourself to be the key ingredient of an effective business, what do you think…