Contributor Posts

Starting Up a Small Business Overseas

20th September 2018

Increasing numbers of people are beginning to consider pursuing a self-employed lifestyle and starting up their own small business. This isn’t all too surprising. After all, who wants to work towards building someone else’s dreams when they could work towards making their own a reality? Running your own small business means that you can focus…

Hacks For Ensuring That You Maintain Your Customer Relationships

20th September 2018

The truth is that landing a customer is often difficult enough, without the added pressure of worrying about keeping them. When it comes to running a successful business, an essential part of that success is about building a strong and secure customer base, because, without this kind of customer base in place, it’s almost impossible…

3 Ways To Keep Your Business Licenses Active

19th September 2018

In business, there’s a lot of different requirements that you may need to meet. Especially if you're working in a particular trade or industry, it’s likely that you’re going to need set licenses and permits to operate. And keeping them active is a key part to running your business. To avoid letting your licenses and…

Ways Your Business Can Make Employees More Intelligent

18th September 2018

They say a happy employee is a hard-working employee. This is true, but hard work doesn’t always equate to efficiency and productivity gains. In fact, it doesn’t even make the employee a better worker, just doing more, more often. The complex world of business and people management is so challenging sometimes that one can start…

The Skills Your Business Needs

17th September 2018

When it comes to running a business of your own, you’re going to have to make sure you’re constantly ready for the task. Even if you’re not sure of your skills, being able to get up and go every morning is perfect for the business mindset you’re trying to set up. You need to have…

Best Skills for Personal Trainers

17th September 2018

When you have a certain type of job, there are always going to be the skills that stand you in good stead and help you to perform to the best of your abilities. As the title suggests, in this blog post, we are going to shine the focus on personal trainers. So, if you have…

Cutting The BS (Business Sophism)

17th September 2018

We’ve all thought about starting a business at one time or another. Unfortunately, most will baulk at the prospect once their research serves up a few facts. The only problem, however, is that many of those factors are either inaccurate or just plain lies. So, let’s cut the BS once and for all. Once you…

Interesting Ways to Boost Productivity in Your Business

17th September 2018

Maybe profits have begun to fall, or maybe things are going well- but you just want to keep on improving and growing your business. Either way, it’s smart to regularly take a look at your productivity levels and ensure your company is working efficiently. When you think of boosting workflow, it’s easy to think of…

Serial Entrepreneurship 101

13th September 2018

Entrepreneurship comes in many different forms. Some entrepreneurs seek to start one business, with a primary goal of growing that business to the point of global expansion and ever-higher profits. Other entrepreneurs seek social businesses, with a goal to change the world while generating a profit for themselves. Then there is another type of entrepreneurship,…

Affordable Ways to Make Your Business More Professional

12th September 2018

Is your business professional enough at this moment in time? That’s a question that you should try your best to answer as honestly as you can do. There are so many businesses out there that are still run in a way that is far too amateurish, and that’s not a good thing at all. It…