Contributor Posts

Is Your Business Behind? Here's What To Do

31st July 2018

Do you feel like your business is behind? Maybe you feel like you’re lagging in terms of attracting customers. Maybe you feel like your business is simply outdated and behind the times and you’re not sure what to do. Whatever your issues are, there’s something you can do to bring your business back up to…

How to Make Your Workplace Work for You

31st July 2018

If your workplace isn’t currently working for you in the way that you wish it would, it could be a good idea for you to start finding ways to improve it. When a workspace simply isn’t meeting your specific needs, it’s a sign that something is going badly wrong inside your business. And you can’t…

The Right Candidate? Planning Your Leadership Career Trajectory When You Have No Experience

31st July 2018

Planning your career trajectory at the very beginning of your life’s journey is one of the most important things you can ever do. Inadequate planning means you are, more than likely, destined for the many years of paddling in the wilderness, struggling to try and find your true vocation. While so many organizations are hot…

Find A Good Supplier And Don't Let Go

30th July 2018

If you’ve ever been to a fancy restaurant where the menu feels longer than The Old Testament, you’ll know just how infuriating choice can be. But you’ll also know how amazing it feels to pick perfectly and have everyone else drool over your dish, their blood boiling with food envy. Well, this scenario is not…

This Is How To Make Your Life Easier As A One Man Band Business

30th July 2018

Being the owner of a one man band business can be really satisfying, but really hard too. Taking care of everything alone can bring a lot of different worries and stresses, and eventually, these things can cause real issues. If you want to make your life easier as a one man band business, there are…

5 Types of Professional Advice Every Business Owner Needs

26th July 2018

All business owners can benefit from hiring experts to help give advice – even the biggest tycoons realise that they aren’t know-it-alls and that their business know-how only extends so far. Here are just five areas in which professional advice can come particularly in handy. Financial advice Whether you need advice on your taxes or…

6 Clever Ways To Get Your Startup Organised

26th July 2018

A start-up business is probably the most organised business in the industry it sits within. Why? Because it has something to prove. Productivity and motivation is at a high while it makes tracks as a new company and new businesses are always far more productive as they get going. After a while though, some companies…

Why Are Businesses Still Reluctant To Invest In Technology?

24th July 2018

It’s 2018, so businesses, private and public, are splashing the cash on technology on securing a bigger market share, right? No, not according to an article by The Guardian that puts the UK at the bottom of the OECD study concerning transport. Britain also ranks low regarding IT systems and machinery. The conclusion is obvious:…

Things To Do Before Selling Your Business

24th July 2018

Has the time come to sell your business? There are many different reasons why you may have decided to move onto the next stage in your life. Perhaps you have decided to retire? Maybe you want to put your passion and effort into a new venture? Maybe you need to sell for financial reasons? No…

Knowing When You're Qualified To Go In For The Kill

24th July 2018

Personality traits always have to take a backseat to your skills and qualifications. At least they have to on paper. That’s why job interviews done face-to-face still exist and in the world of business, will always exist. Words written down on a piece of paper don’t make who you. Only you can show someone your…