Contributor Posts

Great Ways to Maximize Your Earning Potential Starting Today

24th July 2018

If you are already running your business online, but struggling to take it to the next level and improve your profits, there are certain things you can change to improve your earnings without giving up or completely changing your business model. You spent time and energy creating a business, and chances are that with a…

Questions to Ask Before Getting a Job in a Developing Country

24th July 2018

The decision to move abroad for work is a big one. And the decision to relocate to a developing country is even bigger. After all, you are likely to be moving to a nation which does things in an entirely different way to what you are used to – not only from a working point…

Is Your New Office Space Up To Scratch?

24th July 2018

There are few moments in the early life of a business more exciting than the moment that you move into a new office space. Perhaps your business has grown significantly and you need more space, or perhaps you simply need somewhere productive and focussed in order to get the most out of it. Either way,…

5 Quick Tricks To Come Up With Your Next Great Business Idea

24th July 2018

Do you consider yourself a bit of an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs are known for having multiple business ventures and plenty of ideas. But what happens if your ideas seem to be drying up – or you just can’t seem to come up with the next great idea that’s actually worth pursuing? The 8 quick tricks outlined…

Do These 3 Things To Lower The Running Costs Of Your Online Business

24th July 2018

Overheads, aren't they a pain? After all, it's those pesky figures that have to be deducted from your businesses income to establish whether you are in profit or not. Of course, you can have the largest and most spectacular income as a business, but if your costs are high too, you still won't be seeing…

Sticking To What You’re Good At In The World Of Business

24th July 2018

A lot of new business owners are surprised to find just how much of their work isn’t to do with their product when they first get started. From administration to outreach, a huge part of entrepreneurship is detached from the work you’ve been learning to do over the last few years. While this is simply…

Should You Monitor Your Own Performance?

17th July 2018

Most people starting their own business and going out to the big world alone find it hard to manage their time and maintain their productivity. You might be used to a boss checking on you and your targets you had to hit to get that bonus. Now, your productivity is in your own hands. Below…

Is Your Startup Managing Its Money In The Right Way?

17th July 2018

Chances are, the reason you want to get into business and establish your own company is to make money. Of course, there will be other reasons that motivate you- getting out of the rat race and being able to get some enjoyment and fulfilment from your work for example. But when it comes down to…

Reduce Your Company's Plastic Use To Impress Clients

17th July 2018

Is your company currently doing anything to help the war on plastic? These days, there is a huge pressure on all companies and professional organizations to tackle their own plastic use. In fact, most of this pressure is now coming from customers and clients. If a business is known to be irresponsible with their plastic…

Why Nobody Knows About Your Business

12th July 2018

When you are trying to set up a business, one of the first and main things you want to b sure of is that people are aware of it and that they approve of the sound of it. If this never happens, then you can’t be sure that you are ever going to get the…