Contributor Posts

Easy Steps To Turn Your Blog Into A Business

15th January 2018

Looking back a few years ago, many people didn’t know what a blog was. They may have heard the term loosely used, but it certainly wasn’t an acceptable way to earn a living. It was just a hobby, some people loved it, some people didn’t understand it. However, fast forward to today and more people…

Simplify For Success: Are You Overcomplicating Your Business?

11th January 2018

Business is complex, there is no denying that. To achieve success, as a company owner you have to keep lots of plates spinning, all of the different elements and departments have to work together in harmony. So the last thing you want is to be overcomplicating things and making life harder for yourself. At the…

How To Streamline Your Work Processes For Better Results

11th January 2018

As humans, we can sometimes make things harder for ourselves. We take the long route, we let stress get to us, we say yes when we really mean no. But when it comes to business, overcomplicating things in this way can be bad. Not only can you spend more time than is necessary on areas…

What Can I Do To Set Myself Up For Future Entrepreneurial Success?

11th January 2018

Whether you’re in your teens planning for the future, or already have an established career but are looking for a change- the thought of setting up your own business is always an attractive prospect. While it’s possible to set up a business at the drop of a hat and learn as you go, by doing…

How To Become a Better Electrician, Starting Today

11th January 2018

Being an electrician is no easy job. After all, you have to think about how you are going to keep your customers happy and you also have to think about how you are going to source all of your materials as well. If you have to have a specific level of training for a job…

What It Takes To Grow A Successful Construction Firm

11th January 2018

Whilst you may have a team of professionals working for you and a desire to deliver a high-quality service to clients, that isn’t all it takes to grow a profitable construction company. Every other business in your industry is offering a high-quality service too. How are you going to attract clients who could simply choose…

If Customers Can't Find Your Business, They Can't Use Your Services

11th January 2018

When the market is crowded and there are too many businesses vying for customer attention, there are always going to be businesses that miss out. Part of that comes down to how well businesses are at being found by the right people. If customers can’t find your business organically, then you’re going to struggle to…

Buying Equipment for Your Business the Right Way

29th December 2017

Most businesses will require equipment in some form. No matter whether you are kitting out your office or you are looking for construction equipment, it is important to do so with care and have a thorough plan in place. After all, if you get this wrong, you could end up spending a lot more money…

What To Do When The Bank Says No

29th December 2017

Spending time writing the perfect business plan can really drain a budding entrepreneur. The amount of time and effort that goes into a detailed business plan can sometimes be overwhelming to manage, and if you are gearing yourself up to approach the bank, you’re likely feeling nervous. At the end of the longest application you…

Protect Your Online Business From Security Breaches

28th December 2017

There are plenty of ways to screw up your first week in business, but one of the most fundamental considerations today, is ensuring the security of your website and data that’s transferred. Every business needs to protect itself from threats such as theft, fraud, supplier failure, or problems occurring due to damage through wear and…